Geo Spartial Village


This is a solution that leverages existing data mapping techniques to determine the geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) of each village. The objective is to enhance Digimal system by incorporating precise location information for effective planning, monitoring, and resource allocation. The location data will also facilitate data visualization using maps, providing valuable insights into the distribution process and enabling informed decision-making.


  1. Data Extraction and Processing: Developed a method to extract and process hierarchical data from the “org units” table.

  2. Geospatial Mapping Algorithm: Implemented a geospatial mapping algorithm that assigns accurate coordinates to each village based on its administrative hierarchy.

  3. Scalability and Efficiency: Ensured scalability and efficiency to handle large datasets covering various administrative levels.

  4. User-Friendly Interface: Created a user-friendly interface to access mapped coordinates for each village.

  5. Mapping Solution and Visualization: Identified an ideal mapping solution and use it to visualize household registration and distribution data using geocodes developed for a specific county (e.g., Kisumu).

Learn More geoSpartial_village.